Jay Fisher - Fine Custom Knives |
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![]() "Daqar" with Jade handle |
I offer professional expert knife consultation, for professionals. The subjects and services are detailed below, and include principles and specifics of knife design, use, management, applications, history, and processing. I consult on problems, issues, and comprehensive matters related to knives.
Typically, this is business-to-business, or professional-to-organizational consultation.
Please note: I do not offer consultation to teach other knifemakers, or offer knifemaking advice, tips, techniques, or business advice. This is a business-to-business or professional-to-organizational service.
Subject: Thank you for your written material
Hello Jay,
I am impressed by your material published and your will to leave behind not only
your good knives, but also your knowledge and long experience into a very narrow field.
As you do not expect, I am a Senior Design Engineer. We are manufacturing and designing quality triggers, mainly for hunting guns. Currently I am learning a lot from your written knowledge experience of using 440C stainless steel.
In some of our applications, we are using this material from solid or sintered. There are some properties discrepancies from batch to batch. We are interested in toughness, superficial hardness in a limited area and corrosion resistance. There are variations from part to part instead to have constant properties. After I will collect all data regarding our manufacturing process, in case I will not be able to find a conclusion and a way of improvement, then I will ask for your opinion.
Anyway, your material about Heat Treating and Cryogenic Processing of Knife Blade Steels: Crystal Unit Cells and Internal Interstice Geometry is very valuable for my work task.
Thank you and Best Regards,
Florin Hristu,
P. Eng.
My Response:
Hello, Florin.
Thank you for your very kind email. I’m honored that you appreciate my work.
Florin, I have seen this before, and after working with 440C for over 40 years, have been able to achieve process and methods to eliminate any irregularities. Because of the outstanding properties of this steel, it is, by far, my most requested blade steel for high corrosion-resistance, wear resistance, and toughness.
I’ll be very interested in what you discover, and if you wish, available for professional consultation.
Thank you again,
My basic consultation rates are billed hourly, plus expenses. Specific charges and adjustments vary depending on the individual contract and Scope of Work (next).
Please submit an inquiry in email form.
From that, I can create a specific quote and contract. I may require or generate a detailed Scope of Work/Function/Intent (SOW), depending on the project or question(s). I reserve the right to refuse any proposal that is not applicable or is inappropriate. Please let me know if you have any questions about the process.
Please email me at jayfisher@jayfisher.com for detailed requests.
Please note: I do not offer consultation to teach other knifemakers, or offer knifemaking advice, tips, techniques, or business advice. This is a business-to-business or professional-to-organizational service.
"I am a writer currently working on a story where a character needs to be skilled in knives. I know next to nothing about the various types of knives and all of their intricacies, and so began my search and find of Jay Fisher's website, a true treasure trove. If you're able to read this, you probably are aware of just how comprehensive his website is from tactical knives, chef knives, hunting knives and everything in between. I've been searching for information for a while and was excited to finally hit the jackpot. Here is the thing - in addition to the wealth of information on the site, some of which left me excited but overwhelmed, Jay was the consummate professional as he responded when I reached out for help.
He not only pointed me in the right direction as far as specific knives and tools that can be used given the time-frame, setting, etc. of my story, but he helped me think through and hone in on what I truly needed, while also providing enough information for me to think about other options. Most importantly, he provided accurate information which will, of course, make my story that much more believable. A dream for any writer!
--L. B.
Though you may see a few actual examples and initial inquiries on this page, the details, names, company descriptions, and consultant communication is secure and private, and will not be shared, posted, or transmitted without permission from my clients. Additionally, non-disclosure Agreements can be included in contractual agreements. A look at the pages of this website clarifies some of the specialized and critical groups I've worked with.
A consultant is hired for one reason: knowledge. There are a tremendous amount of questions, directions, variables, and facts about knives. Unfortunately, there is also a lot of misinformation and deception. People, companies, and organizations need the right answers.
There is a lot of information available in our modern world. You need a professional with integrity and experience who can clarify facts and present solutions, generate and offer contacts, and work directly in your interest.
Knives are man's oldest tool and creation, but there is a lack of truly professional advice and guidance about historical, contemporary, and future works and directions of knives. Where can you go to find expert reasonable and specific knowledge about current knife functions and features? Who is using what and why? What are the pros and cons of design, materials, treatments, finishes, and accessories? How does this affect you, your mission, your charge, or your business?
While there are many who claim to be knowledgeable about knives, most of the available information is based in outdated and antiquated craft of hand-forging, not the highest level of advanced tool steel applications and cryogenic processing. The knife is not just the blade; it's the handle, fittings, sheath, stand, and wear accessories. It's style, grip, fit, finish, balance, design, accessories, and service. It's desirability, marketability, and specific and custom use. it's force application and penetration, resistance to corrosion, toughness and elasticity—from the tip of the point to the mount that attaches it to the gear.
Hello Jay,
I have been reading up on your website and you have an impressive knowledge of knives.
I work for (name omitted for privacy), a medical device company, and one of my projects are enhancing our surgical blades.
Through this, we are working with our oversees vendor to improve the way they manufacture our blades.
I was curious if you would be able to briefly chat about any recommendations you might have for testing surgical blades.
Let me know.
Best regards,
E. P.
An old complaint is that there never seems to be enough time and research to do it right, yet there is plenty of time to waste doing it over... and over again.
My distinct and proven career is well-established and vital, and I make and have made extremely high performance knife ensembles for some of the most serious knife users in the world; I have pieces in some of the finest museums and collections in the world. I have worked with top-flight tactical, combat, and counterterrorism knife users; I've worked directly with highly skilled restaurant chefs to create their finest knives. In my over 40 years of experience, I've amassed a clear and comprehensive amount of knowledge about knives, demonstrated on the 600 pages of this website and in print and record. I have an intensive, active, and widespread background on the physical, engineering, and creative aspects of modern hand knives.
As a consultant, I distinguish fallacy and myth from fact, separate advertising hyperbole and exaggeration from truth and performance. I have the expertise to include many factors not considered, seldom discussed, or simply overlooked from work scopes, design and function, and use requirements. From modern steels and top level scientific processing to handle materials and ergonomic and practical designs, there is a lot to consider when researching and considering knives and applications. Modern gear, wearing and accessories, interfacing with current equipment and apparel are all factors that are extremely important to you, and should be, considering the importance of what you do and how critical the knife is in your world.
Settings play a role in knife use and application. Some countries prohibit knife import, some restrict it, and in some locations, knives must fit specific and detailed social, legal, and cultural requirements. Traditional roles need to be understood and honored, and acceptable and desired types and presentations are important to every single nation.
An old complaint is that there never seems to be enough time and research to do it right, but there is plenty of time to waste doing it over... and over again. The price of a misapplication, insufficient build, failure of material, and hastily considered decisions can escalate a substantial cost, as well as compromise the very life of the professional knife user. In the most critical of knife usages, why not have the advice of a professional? Why not use the very best possible sources for the very best possible result?
As an expert professional knife consultant, I submit direction, discussion, and deliberation, and can even present access to and understanding of tribological wear, fracture testing, corrosion, and metallurgical analysis. I unveil critical details that may easily be overlooked by the non-professional. Specific, direct, one-on one information helps you, your business, and your organization to answer the questions you need to make knife-related decisions. I submit clear, honest, interactive, substantial review and information, specific and focused, with responsive and responsible targets. With only one goal, your success, solutions become clear.
While I can't make a knife for every person in the world, I can and do offer my expertise and knowledge. I work for my clients, for their best interests, with the same level of excellence and integrity as I do in making my own knives.
Simply, clearly, you deserve the best.
Hi Jay,
This (consultation) helps a lot.
--J. A.
Considerations of the professional knife consultant:
Hi Jay
S. from (Company name omitted for privacy). Someone is suing us from being cut while pulling his knife
out of sheath, he cut himself. Claiming sheath is unsafe. We, believe it or not, need an expert witness.
Expert consultation is about answers. You may not have the time or exposure to understand all of the major factors of hand knives, much less detail the critical nuances that distinguish a poor choice and direction from a vital, active, and reliable adjunct.
As a professional knife consultant, I bring knowledge and expertise, as well as the access to a network of associates and entities, business contacts, engineering specialists, and professional knife users across many fields. I can help with the information you need, based on over 40 years of experience in the trade, art, craft, and science of modern knives.
Contact me today at jayfisher@jayfisher.com.