Jay Fisher - Fine Custom Knives

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"Daqar" Custom handmade dagger, engraved stainless steel guard and maker's mark detail view ,  in T4 deep cryogenically treated CPM 154CM Powder metal technology martensitic stainless steel blade, hand-engraved, 304 austenitic stainless steel fittings, hand-engraved, nephrite jade gemstone handle, hand-carved leather sheath inlaid with American Bison skin
"Daqar" with Jade handle

Alphabetic Gemstone Knife Handle List

Shelves of gemstone, rock, minerals use in custom knife making handles, fittings, components
Gemstone, Rocks, Minerals by Name

There are currently 895 gemstone knife handle photo links on this page!

You could say I'm a mineral nut, a rabid lapidary, steeped in the collecting, categorizing, and working of rocks, gem, stone, and minerals. After having made about 2000 gemstone handled knives, it's pretty obvious; I love rock! When you see the colors, pattern, density, plays of light, visual as well as tactile interest, it's easy to see why stone, rock, minerals, and gemstones have captivated man since the beginning of his existence on this rocky planet and will continue to do so!

Like any enthusiast, I will say you can never have enough gemstone. When you use it to make large knife handles, it becomes paramount to have substantial enough pieces to get the job done. So I continue to collect, trade, purchase, and use any rock that may be suitable. The photo above is just one of my shelves of categorized gemstone, rock, and mineral containers.

This page is an alphabetic list of rocks that I use, have used, or have photos of on this website. I'll link at least one photo to those names, and add more as I continue to edit, make gemstone handled knives, and grow the website. I may not have the specific gemstone you desire, but I do have many of the types. We can discuss that when you commission a custom knife project. Please be sure to visit the gemstone knife handle photo galleries linked below, and the main gemstone knife handles overview page.

You'll probably notice quite a variation in photographic quality of some of the photos. Early in my career, I took pictures of the knives with film, and had the film processed. I wasn't happy with that, so began to process on my own, improving the pictures considerably. Then the digital revolution came, and I moved to the realm of digital photography, improving the photographic quality and gearing my photography for this very digital medium. Many of the images of older knives and handles were scanned from old, low rendition prints and smaller negatives, so the quality of the image is less than optimum, but I included them because I believe it's important to see the gem material.

You'll also see many repeats of certain gemstones, like Polvadera Jasper, Nephrite Jade, Red River Jasper, and granites. This is because not only do I use them a lot, but they also have variable character that is hard to describe with merely one photograph. For these same reasons, you'll see both sides of many of the handles, to give a complete view of the character of the gemstone. Additional photos of the gemstone handles are linked at the ampersands (&) following the name.

After the alphabetic list, you'll see a group of mosaics and combination knife handles that have multiple gemstone types.

Thanks for being here!

Plasma Agate Gemstone
Beautiful Plasma Agate gemstone handle of this "Malaka"

Alphabetic Jump


Gemstone Knife Handle Alphabetic List

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CD ROM Archive   Independent Lamp Accessory-LIMA Knife Handles: Woods Knife Shop/Studio, Page 1  
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Funny Letters and Emails, Pg. 1 Blades and Steels Sharpeners, Lanyards Knife Embellishment     
Funny Letters and Emails, Pg. 2 Blades Bags, Cases, Duffles, Gear    
Funny Letters and Emails, Pg. 3 Knife Blade Testing Modular Sheath Systems  
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and Strain in Knife Blades
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